Mitsunami Co., Ltd. Mitsunami Co., Ltd.

Mitsunami Co., Ltd.


Basic Principles

As a member of society, Mitsunami Co., Ltd. recognizes the benefits of nature created by biodiversity, We will strive to conduct business activities that consider ecosystems and actively carry out various activities for biodiversity conservation.

Behavioral guidelines

  1. As a member of society, Mitsunami Co., Ltd. recognizes the benefits of nature created by biodiversity, We will strive to conduct business activities that consider ecosystems and actively carry out various activities for biodiversity conservation.
  2. Promotion of education Education on necessary knowledge, laws and regulations related to biodiversity for Mitsunami executives, employees, and affiliated companies do.
  3. Expand sales of environmentally friendly products
    Recognize the impact on biodiversity, strive to avoid or reduce the impact, and share the results with society.
  4. Appropriate compliance with treaties and laws
    We will comply with treaties and laws related to biodiversity and strive to conserve biodiversity.
  5. Prompt disclosure of information
    We disclose information related to biodiversity on our website.
  6. Cooperation with stakeholders
    Through dialogue and cooperation with customers and local residents, we will promote biodiversity from both business activities and social contribution activities. We will continue to work on conservation.

Through these actions, we will contribute to the sustainable development of a society in which people and nature coexist.

Mitsunami Co., Ltd.

Representative Director and President

Masaharu Watanabe